CR Guides Association



CR Guides Association was founded in Autumn 2001 to be NGO of guides in tourist business. Its purpose is to associate skilled guides and tour guides accompanying the tours of both foreign and home visitors in our country, tours to other countries, local skilled guides and also those guiding at the historical monuments of our country. On behalf of CRGA we invite all of you to become our members!

The purpose of the Association is in particular to protect the professional interests of our members, to enable the social contacts of the guides, to participate at the examinations qualifying the guides and follow up training, to apply all available tools to promote and introduce the services of our members.

CR Guides Association is the member of the Union of tourist business and since the year 2003 also of the World Federation of Guides Associations WFTGA. Currently we also consider to join the Federation of European Guides Associations FEG.

The contents of the site of CRGA are permitted to apply only when the resource stated.

The last update of the site March: 6 2003.

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© 2008-2025 CR Guides Association